Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions
These Terms and Conditions of Use (Terms and Conditions) govern your access to this Web Site and should be read in conjunction with Our Privacy Policy.
Your use of this Web Site implies your full acceptance of the below Terms and conditions.
If you do not agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions, you should not use Our website.
Divorce Without A Lawyer does not provide legal advice. Any information contained on our Web Site, documents, information or otherwise material obtained from or provided by Us should not be regarded as legal advice or as a sole means of information regarding the divorce process. If legal advice is required, you should contact a legal professional.
We accept no liability or responsibility for incorrect or inaccurate information provided by a consumer when filling out the questions relevant to the application for divorce or for failing to provide the relevant documentation to support an application for divorce. It is the responsibility of the consumer to ensure that the Application for Divorce is suitable for their purposes.
General Disclaimer
We are not liable to you or anyone else for any Loss in connection with use of this Web Site or a Linked Web Site.
You agree that use of this website is at your own risk. We do not guarantee that your access to or use of this website will be uninterrupted or error free or that the website hosted is free of viruses or other harmful components or that any particular results, legal or otherwise, may be obtained by use of this website or our service. By using our service, you acknowledge that email is not a secure mode of communication. If you do not receive any expected email communication, you agree that it is your responsibility to check any spam filters or folders or to email us at info@divorcewithoutalawyer.com.au. We are not liable for any loss of data or information provided through email.
We do not review the information you have provided in the online form against the document generated. It is the user’s responsibility to do so. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions that the user has made in the online form. Your use of the website, and any materials provided through the Website are entirely at your own risk. By using this website, you will be deemed to have released and discharged Divorce Without A Lawyer from all liability (including negligence) for all claims, losses, expenses, damages and costs that you may incur as a result of relying on the products or information contained on this website or in a document or any information obtained via this website. You will be deemed to have accepted all risks associated with the use of this website. You should not complete the online form on behalf of another person. We do not accept any responsibility when a person has used this website on behalf of a third party.
This general disclaimer is not restricted or modified by any of the following specific warnings and disclaimers but does not attempt to exclude liability in relation to those warranties implied by law which cannot be excluded.
Specific Warnings and Disclaimers
You must ensure that your access to this Web Site is not illegal or prohibited by laws which apply to you or in your location.
We are not liable to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with use of this Web Site or a Linked Web Site. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from this Web Site is free of viruses or anything else (such as worms or trojan horses) that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems.
We may, from time to time, change or add to this Web Site (including these Terms and Conditions) or the information, products or services without notice. However, We do not undertake to keep this Web Site updated. We are not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in relation to the information on this Web Site or if that information is not up-to-date.
To the extent permitted by the applicable law, all representations, warranties and implied terms are excluded. In circumstances where warranties are implied by law and cannot be excluded, Our liability, to the extent permitted by the applicable law, is limited to repair, replacement or reimbursement for the goods supplied by Us.
In these Terms and Conditions, certain words (particularly capitalised ones) may have special meanings. If they do, these special meanings are set out in the “General” section.
Limitation of Liability
We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information provided and we do not adopt or accept responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made by any party or on this website. The information and services contained on the website may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. Do not rely on our information or services for legal, business, financial, or other advice, and we recommend consulting professional advice from the appropriate person relating to your particular circumstances. Divorce Without a Lawyer is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on information or other content on the website or obtained via the use of this website.
The sole and exclusive maximum liability to Divorce Without A Lawyer for all damages, losses, and causes of action will be the total amount paid by you, for access to the website and our services. Divorce Without A Lawyer is not responsible for any losses or profits that may result from the use of information contained within this website and/or the service.
By using this website you agree to assume liability and indemnify Divorce Without A Lawyer for any third-party claims that may arise due to your actions or from your use of this website. You agree to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify Divorce Without A Lawyer from and against any and all claims of any kind, damages, costs, debt, losses, liabilities, obligations, injuries, and expenses, including any Lawyer’s fees and costs arising from your use of and access to the website.
This Web Site is Our copyright property. If We use a third party’s copyrighted works on this Web Site, it is done so with their permission.
You are provided with access to Our Web Site only for your personal and non-commercial use.
Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the relevant copyright laws that apply in your location, you may not, in any form or by any means:
adapt, reproduce, store, distribute, transmit, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of this Web Site; or
commercialise any information, products or services obtained from any part of this Web Site;
without Our written permission.
Licence to Use
Divorce Without A Lawyer grants users a non-transferable licence to use our forms and create documents for your own personal use, provided that you pay for the use of each document and service. Except as provided herein, you agree not to resell, modify, copy, create derivative works of, alter, enhance, or in any way exploit any of the products, services, or technology from the Website in any manner, except for modifications in filling out the forms for your authorised use, without the express written consent of Divorce Without A Lawyer. You shall not violate these copyright restrictions.
Linked Web Sites
This Web Site may contain links to Linked Web Sites. Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained.
Links to those Linked Web Sites should not be construed as any endorsement, approval, recommendation, or preference by Us of the owners or operators of such Linked Web Sites, or of any of the information, products or services referred to on such Linked Web Sites.
Unless stated otherwise on this Web Site, We have:
no relationship with the owners or operators of those Linked Web Sites; and
no control over, or rights in, those Linked Web Sites.
Personal Information
Protecting your privacy is important to Us.
Every time We collect or otherwise deal with your Personal Information, We are regulated (as relevant) by the Australian Privacy Principles, contained within the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), and the Spam Act 2003 (Cth).
For further information regarding:
the kind of information collected by Us;
the purposes for which We may collect, hold, use and disclose your Personal Information;
how We hold, use, and disclose your Personal Information;
how you can gain access to or correct your Personal Information that is held by Us; and
how you may lodge a complaint and how We handle such complaints;
refer to Our Privacy Policy located on this Web Site.
Our Rights to Use Information You Send Us
We welcome ideas and feedback from you about all aspects of this Web Site. By using this Web Site and communicating with Us you agree that We may (subject to Our obligations under the current data protection legislation and Our Privacy Policy) reproduce, distribute, transmit, create derivative works of, and publicly display any materials and other information (including ideas for new or improved products and services) that you submit to any public areas of the Web Site (such as bulletin boards, forums, competitions and newsgroups) or by email to Us. Our rights to use information you send Us are subject to Our obligations in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Our Privacy Policy.
Communication Policy
Divorce Without A Lawyer, on its own accord or by and through a third-party business partner providing mailing services for Us, may from time to time send you messages regarding the service and to advise you of updates, notices regarding your account, and new products/offers via email. You may at any time exercise your option not to receive such notifications.
User Acknowledgement
I acknowledge that in using this website and service:
Divorce Without A Lawyer has not provided me with legal advice and I accept those risks.
Divorce Without A Lawyer has not checked or verified the accuracy of the information that I have provided in the online form. I accept that I am responsible to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in the online form.
I accept that I am responsible for any unforeseen and/or undesirable consequences as a result of any inaccuracy in the information I provided in the online form.
Divorce Without A Lawyer has not assessed my personal or financial affairs nor has it recommended that a legal document is appropriate for me.
Divorce Without A Lawyer has not checked the accuracy of the legal document generated against the information I have provided. I accept that it is my responsibility to do so.
In these Terms and Conditions:
“Us” means Divorce Without A Lawyer and includes any of its directors, principals, employees, associated entities and affiliates. “Our” and “We” have the corresponding meanings.
“Loss” includes any loss or damage, however caused (including through negligence) which may be directly or indirectly suffered.
“Linked Web Sites” means web sites of parties other than Us which are hyperlinked from this Web Site.
“Personal Information” means any information from which your identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained.
“Web Site” includes the whole or any part of this web site (including the layout of this web site, individual elements of the web site design, underlying code elements of this web site, text, sounds, graphics, animated elements, and any other content presented on this web site).
These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws in force in Victoria, Australia and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria, Australia and any courts which may hear appeals from those courts in respect of any proceedings in connection with these Terms and Conditions, Our Privacy Policy or this Web Site.
Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions derogates from Our right to comply with law enforcement requests or requirements relating to your use of this Web Site or information provided to or gathered by Us with respect to that use.